Sunday, April 17, 2011

My favorite place on earth.

So I think I'm going to declare this week "Favorite Week" and post everyday about my favorite "something". Today my favorite "something" is my favorite place on earth...Tuscaloosa, AL. Now for many gradutes of The University of Alabama, it's special because that's where we went to school, our almater, the place where I partied studied my butt off for the past four years. But it's also the place where I grew up...became an adult. I was (almo$t) independent from my parents, living on my own with roommates, making my own decisions that affected me and only me. Basically, freedom. Best four years of my life. I'm so happy that I can look back and say that was the BEST four years of my life. I wouldn't change a thing about what happened. Every decision made me who I am today. Looking back, there were several things that could have happened...I could have taken that bid to a sorority, I could have taken that summer intership, I could have studied a little more...(duh) or I could stand out and be a non-greek, join Wesley, meet some of the best people IN THE WORLD, and spend the every summer with my sister making sure she had the best time. Thank goodness I married someone who shares the same love-affair with Tuscaloosa as me.

So this past weekend was spent in Tuscaloosa at the Aday game. After battling storms to get there Friday night, we woke up to the best day for a football game against two of the best teams...ha..haha. Walking around on the quad, waiting for the team to come in...sitting in the staduim with some great people...definitly a good time.

In keeping with the theme of the week, allow me to share with you some of my favoites of Tuscaloosa...

Favorite place on Campus
Kind of goes without saying...right?

Favorite "Date Night" Resurant
Nicks in the Sticks. Best. Steak. Ever.

Favorite Meal on "Dinning Dollars"
Buffalo Phils

Favorite Place to shop
The Shirt Shop 
Favorite Place for breakfast
The biscuits

My favorite place to run
The River Walk...ran more miles there than anywhere else.

Favorite Cheap Mexican Food
Taco Casa. Also has the BEST sweet tea.

Hope Y'all have a great week!


  1. Oh I second all of that!!!! Tuscaloosa really was the best 4 years and I grew up so much!!

  2. :) Thanks for sharing! Tuscaloosa really does rock! :)
