Sunday, November 20, 2011

An anniversary Post

This blog post was actually started a week ago, however due to some technical difficulites, it never posted...allow me to continue:

Hello Blogger world! It's an exciting day in the Christian house! We made it through a year! Like it was hard...I mean, I have got the be the EASIEST person live with EVER! I am not type A at all, I am very laid back when it comes to getting my way, very know..super easy to be married to... ;)

We celebrated pretty low key this weekend...We headed to the Bama game yesterday and watched Bama play the last home game of the season. I got at little Christmas shopping done while I was down there...a little for me and a little for others! Today Kyle took me on a little scavenger hunt in order to get my was really sweet and funny. It's fun to see him get creative, I'm not the only one in the house who is...and would you know, he's a pretty good listener! I got a Silhouette Cameo! I'm super excited!! I've been playing with it all day! I can literally make anything now. Litereally.
Notice the "excited" face below.

And of course, a first year anniversary wouldn't be complete without eating some wedding cake!
Let me just tell you about this cake. My mother is a saint...why? Beacuse this huge round cake topper actually spent the past year at my mother's freezer. It managed to survived a week long power outage in April and yet another power outage in August because of a tripped circut. Amazing. And never once did she let it ruin. Did I tell you she was amazing? She is.

In case you missed it, Kyle bought himself a Big Green Egg as part of his anniversary/christmas/birthday/anniversary/Christmas, etc gift...No surprise there.

Some very exciting things going on this Christmas season. I'm singing in the Living Christmas Tree again! I'm very excited and if you want FREE tickets, just let me know! Also a dear sweet friend of mine is getting married new year's eve! I'm so very excited and I can't wait for her to tie the knot!
We've spent most of the weekend watching football and putting up Christmas decorations. It just might take me till December 25th to finish decorating the house. Ha! So much to do and so much to decorate.
When and if i do get everything put together, I'll be sure to share it with you!

Hope everyone has a good week!


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Lucky #100.

So this is my 100th post! That's kinda of exciting...I hope you find this blog post exciting. I know it's been a allow me to recap what's been holding me back from blogging, I know you're dieing to know!
New Job
Painting the house
Mentally preparing for LSU weekend
New workout routine
Day light savings
more house painting
LCT practice
Weekend in Collinsville
trying to be a good wife- LAUNDRY!
New recipes
Christmas shopping
Christmas card pictures
and finally...

So...I can't promise a daily blog but I should be back to at least a weekly blog. It seems funny that this time last year, although I was planning a wedding, I seemed to drop off the blogging boat and didn't pick it back up until January...November and December are just SO busy for me.

So allow me to go into some details about the past few weeks. First I love my new job. I work with some great people and I truly believe God had a plan for me when He placed me at RFCU.

Second I enjoy going to Bama football games...I loooove it. I could spend every weekend in Bryant-Denny. Literally. However, after watching us lose to LSU, I'm ready to call it a season- head out to the National Championship game, come home with a "W" and call it a day. Don't get me wrong, I love football and wish it was a year round sport, but at this point in the season, I get tired. It's tough being gone every home game weekend. Trust me, you should see my house!

Speaking of house, I have an AMAZING husband...How does that go together you might ask? Well, for one...the weekend I went to my Grandmother's, Kyle spent the weekend painting the living room and this past weekend, My FIL, MIL, and Kyle finished up the bedroom and kitchen! They're the best!!

This is the color...It's just the kind of thing you have to see in person.
Yesterday Kyle and I drove ALL the way out to Fayettville to look at fabric at Sirs...only to figure out after arriving in Fayettville, TN that there was a Christmas/Town gathering/ A MESS OF PEOPLE! (See, I told you he was a sweetie!) we had to come back home. We weren't in the mood to drive around all day looking for a parking spot. Oh well, another time- Thanksgiving weekend, maybe? However, I went to Decauter yesterday afternoon to watch Boo play soccer and mom and I decided to stop in at Willow Tree Fabrics...just to look. Well, I had been in before and fell in love with some green houndstooth might remember this Post with the chair project?
This fabric spoke to me...ha. Well, I knew I wanted it somewhere in my house and I just decided to recover my kitchen chairs in it...I'm super excited.
That's another blog accident post waiting to happen! I know Kyle can't contain himself. :)

And because he is such a good husband...I think we'll make it to our anniversary! Ha!
I can't believe we're just a week away from our one year anniversary. This time last year I was going crazy, trying to keep from pulling my hair out, and just trying to make it till Saturday. This year has gone by SO fast! It's unreal. I can't wait to see what he has up his sleeve for next week!

I have enjoyed sitting out on the back porch, watching the sunset and catching up on everything in blogger land...I hope everyone has a great week! Just two weeks until Thanksgiving! Ah!!