Sunday, May 15, 2011

Anthro Find...

So on my off day the other day, I did the usual...went for a run, ran some errands, took britney to get mani/pedis...and stopped by a favorite of mine, Anthropolgie. I love going into this store to just look and get ideas. Not only do they have amazing clothes but some of the cutest housewears.
Normally I'm just browsing and not looking for anything particular but Wednesday I was on a mission. I was looking for some cute hooks to hang up my cute aprons! I knew Anthro was just the place to go.

Allow me to tell you my plan first. I have a frame that's empty and a fridge that is covered in pictures and invitations. So I'm going to frame some cork board and tac it to the wall. 
Like such:

Then on either side I'll have two of these hooks for my aprons and such.

Aren't they just the cutest hooks! I'm very excited to get them put up. I'll post pictures soon!

Good news and bad...Kyle is done with softball and after May our social calendar slows get ready for some good blogs about our summer projects! Because I have a biigggg list just waiting for Kyle!
Projects include:
Painting the bedroom, Master bathroom, and Kitchen.
Putting together a flower garden in the back yard.
Finding someway to install a bike rack in the garage
clean out the attic
tile the shower
hanging up several pictures/diplomas/paitings.
looking for a bookshelf
buying a china cabinet

Kyle- I know you read these...get ready! :)

Hope everyone has a great week! I can't believe the weekend went by so fast!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely LOVE anthropologie!!!! not only am i obsessed with their fabulous clothes, but i love everything in the houseware section!
