So...married life...the question Kyle and I hear the most is "How is married life?"...well if it sucked, what would you say? ha! Good thing i don't think married life sucks. We're having a lot of fun. We both lived with roommates in college so we both know how to live with someone (thank goodness). It's fun waking up to someone every morning and doing those silly fix his coffee or Kyle will turn the heater on in the bathroom so it's warm when i get in there...those things are fun. We've kind of divided up the "household duties" if you want to call it that...kyle cooks most of the time (if not, he wouldn't eat dinner till late since i don't get off till 5:30) and i do the laundry and keeping things works for us and that's all that matters.
However, there is a slight downfall about marriage...NAME CHANGE!
The worst part about marriage is the name change and the combining of the "assets" (if you call a couple hundred bucks and a mutual fund assets). You don't realize how many places your name is until you go to change it...there are STILL places i'm thinking of that still has Ellyn McEwen and more than likely will stay that way!
So we're doing those adults "things" that I've always wanted to do...(get your mind out of the gutter...!)...Savings accounts, mutual funds, IRAs, and bills! yyyyaaayy! The saving and planning is kind of fun. We're both pretty responsible with our money so saving is like second nature to us. Our parents did a pretty good job of teaching us the value of a dollar. My proudest savings account we started in titled "Future Baby"...we're both putting back money for our children just like our mothers did when we were just thoughts in God's head. It's fun to watch it grow with every pay check...and with compounding interest + what we're adding biweekly, we should have a nice little pot when we're ready (in 30 joke.)
On to more exciting news...
So our latest "asset" we're preparing for is a new car for ME! YAAYAYYAY! Who's excited?!ME! After sorting through dozens of car websites and reading customer reviews we have finally narrowed it down to two choices...
The Toyota 4Runner
Now on to phase 2 of buying a car...the test drive. It took me over 4 months to decide on these two cars so lets hope the process goes a little faster...however since my weekend time is limited, it looks like it might be close to March before we can test drive these babies! Oh well, wish us luck!
Okay, i feel like I have rambled enough to move on in the blogging world and post some "better" things later...Hope to keep this up!
Danielle, you're my accountability partnet! :)
Hahaha love it! My roomie has the Acura btw, and its pretty nice. Like the body style! I didn't know you were car shopping! I am going to have to keep you accountable for keeping me informed as well! hehe
ReplyDeleteLoved this! Keep it up!