Sunday, November 20, 2011

An anniversary Post

This blog post was actually started a week ago, however due to some technical difficulites, it never posted...allow me to continue:

Hello Blogger world! It's an exciting day in the Christian house! We made it through a year! Like it was hard...I mean, I have got the be the EASIEST person live with EVER! I am not type A at all, I am very laid back when it comes to getting my way, very know..super easy to be married to... ;)

We celebrated pretty low key this weekend...We headed to the Bama game yesterday and watched Bama play the last home game of the season. I got at little Christmas shopping done while I was down there...a little for me and a little for others! Today Kyle took me on a little scavenger hunt in order to get my was really sweet and funny. It's fun to see him get creative, I'm not the only one in the house who is...and would you know, he's a pretty good listener! I got a Silhouette Cameo! I'm super excited!! I've been playing with it all day! I can literally make anything now. Litereally.
Notice the "excited" face below.

And of course, a first year anniversary wouldn't be complete without eating some wedding cake!
Let me just tell you about this cake. My mother is a saint...why? Beacuse this huge round cake topper actually spent the past year at my mother's freezer. It managed to survived a week long power outage in April and yet another power outage in August because of a tripped circut. Amazing. And never once did she let it ruin. Did I tell you she was amazing? She is.

In case you missed it, Kyle bought himself a Big Green Egg as part of his anniversary/christmas/birthday/anniversary/Christmas, etc gift...No surprise there.

Some very exciting things going on this Christmas season. I'm singing in the Living Christmas Tree again! I'm very excited and if you want FREE tickets, just let me know! Also a dear sweet friend of mine is getting married new year's eve! I'm so very excited and I can't wait for her to tie the knot!
We've spent most of the weekend watching football and putting up Christmas decorations. It just might take me till December 25th to finish decorating the house. Ha! So much to do and so much to decorate.
When and if i do get everything put together, I'll be sure to share it with you!

Hope everyone has a good week!


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Lucky #100.

So this is my 100th post! That's kinda of exciting...I hope you find this blog post exciting. I know it's been a allow me to recap what's been holding me back from blogging, I know you're dieing to know!
New Job
Painting the house
Mentally preparing for LSU weekend
New workout routine
Day light savings
more house painting
LCT practice
Weekend in Collinsville
trying to be a good wife- LAUNDRY!
New recipes
Christmas shopping
Christmas card pictures
and finally...

So...I can't promise a daily blog but I should be back to at least a weekly blog. It seems funny that this time last year, although I was planning a wedding, I seemed to drop off the blogging boat and didn't pick it back up until January...November and December are just SO busy for me.

So allow me to go into some details about the past few weeks. First I love my new job. I work with some great people and I truly believe God had a plan for me when He placed me at RFCU.

Second I enjoy going to Bama football games...I loooove it. I could spend every weekend in Bryant-Denny. Literally. However, after watching us lose to LSU, I'm ready to call it a season- head out to the National Championship game, come home with a "W" and call it a day. Don't get me wrong, I love football and wish it was a year round sport, but at this point in the season, I get tired. It's tough being gone every home game weekend. Trust me, you should see my house!

Speaking of house, I have an AMAZING husband...How does that go together you might ask? Well, for one...the weekend I went to my Grandmother's, Kyle spent the weekend painting the living room and this past weekend, My FIL, MIL, and Kyle finished up the bedroom and kitchen! They're the best!!

This is the color...It's just the kind of thing you have to see in person.
Yesterday Kyle and I drove ALL the way out to Fayettville to look at fabric at Sirs...only to figure out after arriving in Fayettville, TN that there was a Christmas/Town gathering/ A MESS OF PEOPLE! (See, I told you he was a sweetie!) we had to come back home. We weren't in the mood to drive around all day looking for a parking spot. Oh well, another time- Thanksgiving weekend, maybe? However, I went to Decauter yesterday afternoon to watch Boo play soccer and mom and I decided to stop in at Willow Tree Fabrics...just to look. Well, I had been in before and fell in love with some green houndstooth might remember this Post with the chair project?
This fabric spoke to me...ha. Well, I knew I wanted it somewhere in my house and I just decided to recover my kitchen chairs in it...I'm super excited.
That's another blog accident post waiting to happen! I know Kyle can't contain himself. :)

And because he is such a good husband...I think we'll make it to our anniversary! Ha!
I can't believe we're just a week away from our one year anniversary. This time last year I was going crazy, trying to keep from pulling my hair out, and just trying to make it till Saturday. This year has gone by SO fast! It's unreal. I can't wait to see what he has up his sleeve for next week!

I have enjoyed sitting out on the back porch, watching the sunset and catching up on everything in blogger land...I hope everyone has a great week! Just two weeks until Thanksgiving! Ah!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I'm celebrity cool...

So I wanted to share with you my new favorite breakfast item. Now if you know me, you know I have this weird obsession with waffles...I LOVE Eggo Waffles. I had one almost everyone morning of my school (and now work) age life...except for Saturdays and Sundays...but Monday thru Friday..waffles. But I love smoothies...but I don't ever have time in the mornings to measure out the ingredients...find recipes, etc. But while wander around Kroger a couple weeks ago, I happened to see this...

I tried the strawberry, worrying about the banana taste but thought I'd try it.


You must taste the strawberry.
I doubt I'll try the other flavors because I have this thing with fruits and veggies...
but the strawberry/banana one...

Hope everyone had a great Friday tomorrow! I'm pretty pumped about the weekend.
I'd say I deserve it!


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It's Pinterest's fault...

So I admit, I've been MIA for a while. I've been busy though.
A sweet friend of mine became a grandmother and I wanted to do a little project I'd seen off of Pinterest and I wanted to use the Cricut.
Thus this little beauty:

 I made the stork cut out using my Cricut and the "girl" cut out using it too.

Next on the Pinterest "to-do" list
Painting burlap.
This weekend I need to put a little nail in the door and hang it that way, but the wreath hanger convenient. Painting burlap was interesting at first. It doesn't paint like a canvas does. I used acrylic paint and a spray sealant so if it gets wet, it won't bleed on the front door.
All in all, pretty pleased with this. Still working on the bow- there again, convenient.

Last Pinterest project for a while.
Pumpkin Topiary.
This one took a lot out of me. ha ha. Our neighbor made one and of course, I thought I could do better.
I don't know how I really feel about it yet. ha ha. Kyle's calling it the pumpkin statue.
I will say this...I bought it in the living room yesterday because of the storms today, in the morning, it's kind of freaky. Just chilling there. I guess it's a, "You have to be there" kind of thing.
P.S. Whoever said this was easy to put together was sick. It was a PAIN to carve holes in the bottom of the pumpkins much less carve cute little swirls and polka dots!
And if you notice the lean...yeah, my pumpkin statue has swag.

Our neighborhood has been selected to build the feature home for the tour of homes, was on the cover of the home magazine in the newspaper this weekend, and we were all asked to "clean up our yards, trim our bushes, plant some new plants, set out some fall decor!"...The best yard will be awarded a $50 gift card...Well, let's just say, if I win the gift card, I won't come out on top.
Fake pumpkins are NOT cheap.

So needless to say, these projects wore me out a little.
I think I'm going to stick to easy projects for a while.
or just read a book?

Have a great night,

Monday, October 10, 2011

Well, Well, Well...

It's always nice to start the week when Monday is already over! I'm all for a four day work week...Tomorrow I start my new position. I'm excited/nervous/really excited...I just hope I'm able to sleep tonight! Friday was a good day for banking but left little time for me to tell everyone at Wynn goodbye! (I'll be moving to the South Parkway branch)
So for all my friends at Wynn, Y'all were fun to work with...Y'all kept the work day fun. I appreciate everything y'all did for me Friday and I will truly miss working with everyone!

Friday at work we gave Cyndi a cute little "grandmother shower" and so i decide to make a cute little "stork bundle". I'm pretty impressed with how it turned out!

Between that and my other 400+ projects I have going on, my craft room took a beating this week.
I'm trying to focus on just one thing at a time...I have a million things i WANT to do but only a few hours at night after work to do them...Hopefully I'll finish all my fall/Halloween decorating projects in time to enjoy them.
Thank you Pinterest for creating an abundant flow in creativity...and work for a lack of time. ha!

Saturday we went to the game and I got to do a little shopping this time! I was super pumped about this sweatshirt I bought at this place called La Shea. It had some super cute stuff! I'm not going to lie, I might go back next home game. I didn't get a homecoming shirt this year and decided to buy this one instead.

My second fabulous find this weekend was this super cute tote! I got it off one of the street vendors near Tutwiler. I'm super excited to carry it to work!

Sunday I mostly cleaned and got caught up on things around the house. I'd neglected it all week and it showed.
And today Kyle and I just enjoyed the day together. I visited a sweet friend who just moved into their house! It's super cute and I'm so excited for them! Seeing their house made me what to start working on mine again. I've picked out the colors for the living room, kitchen, and bedroom and now I've got to find the time! Also my goal this month is to get some framing done! I only have a million things laying around to get framed. Working on that this month. Promise.

I hope everyone has a great week...I can't guarantee much blogging this week as I try to work on my little projects for fall! I'll post eventually!


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Birthdays are my favorite.

Is it Sunday night already? I hate having a good weekend...means it goes by way too fast. We've been celebrating all Alabama win, Kyle's birthday! Okay, so just those two things...Saturday I finally finished pulling out all my fall decor...and it's slim pickings...I'm really picky. (I'm sure some of you *Kyle* are saying, "You're just now figuring this out?") But I need time to think about what I want where...and I bought a few things...I found an idea here and there, eh. I'll eventually pull everything all together. But Kroger had their sunflowers on sale so I decided to buy some since we were having the family over Saturday night to watch the game.
They are just beautiful! I really can't stop looking at them.
I'm slightly obsessed.

We had our families over for dinner and to watch the Bama game Saturday night. It was great, love having our families together, the food was great, the cake was frozen...ah, yes, the cake was FROZEN.
Just a little FYI- If you buy a cake from Newks, make sure it has time to un-thaw.
It was a good thing we had some extra time before the game started to wait on the cake to THAW!
The infamous cake.
It did taste good...The homemade ice cream we made stayed cold when we served it with the cake!
Lesson learned.
Make your own cake.

Kyle got a pretty good spread for his birthday. I'm blogging off one of his gifts right now! We bought him a new computer and luckily, it was a gift I benefited from!
All in all I think it was a good weekend, even for a boy who hates birthdays.

I love you, babe...And I'll forever continue making a big deal out of birthdays.
I'll celebrate mine for a month and you can celebrate yours for a few days.

It's my last week on the teller line...bittersweet.
Hope everyone has a great week!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Lobby of Hobby.

SO I made a trip to Hobby Lobby today on my lunch break (didn't need a whole day in there, my bank account can't afford it) and picked me up a few things. Hopefully I can get started on some "pinterest" projects soon! Looking at the stuff now, it's kind of a weird mix of things but maybe between what I have making another trip, I'll have what I need to make whatever it is I want to make.
Cross you fingers for Saturday morning!

Tomorrow is Friday! Thank goodness! I couldn't work another day if I had too!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

And the job search finally comes to an end...

Hello blogger land! You are now reading the blog of Redstone Federal Credit Union's newest Secondary Market Specialist!!
I found out today that I received a new job title! I can't tell you how excited I am about this new job.
It's funny how things work out. Things that I thought I wanted and things I was so disappointed in when it didn't turn out...when it didn't go "my way".
Tonight in church we talked about trusting in God and how at times, it makes you anxious, nervous...and it's scary. I was sitting there thinking, "Haha, God!! You are really funny!"
I know He had a hand in this job...(or he was tired of hearing from me. ha!)

So...this job will give me a little bit of extra time in the evenings and no weekend work so I'm very excited to get started on some long overdue projects!
Stay's sure going to be a fun ride...for my husband! :)

Celebrating with ice cream sundaes!!
Thank you, baby!

Living for the weekend!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Happy birthday, Jenn!

Today is my wonderful sister-in-law's birthday!
Shout out to you, Jenn! It's YOUR day! I hope it's awesome!!

Love you!


Sunday, September 25, 2011


I had a much needed relaxing weekend this weekend. Yesterday we went to Tuscaloosa and of course, it was a good weekend. Can't beat a win against Arkansas.

I'm not too good for a blog post today but hopefully I can have some time to do some this week. I've got a busy week getting ready for Kyle's birthday this weekend!
Mr. Christian will be the big 2-6!
Hope everyone has a good week. I've off to get stuff ready for this week.


Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday, Monday...

Happy Monday!

I just wanted to share this little delicious goody with you.
I made these for Kyle and I this weekend on a whim. My mom had made these when I was little and it has been years since I've had these yummies!
And besides...Smore's are kind of "Fall-ish" right?!
Thank you pinterest for finding this recipe for me!

Golden Graham S’more Bars


1 10 oz. bag mini marshmallows (Approx. 6 cups)

1 12 oz. package semi sweet chocolate chips

5 tbsp. butter
8 cups Golden Graham cereal (one 12 oz. box)

1 tsp. vanilla (optional)

Place package of chocolate chips in the freezer to chill. Spray a 9 x 13 baking pan, set aside.
Meanwhile, melt butter in a pot over medium heat. Once butter is melted, add in 5 cups of marshmallows and stir until almost completely melted. Stir in vanilla if desired. Remove from heat and transfer butter mixture to a large mixing bowl and add cereal, stirring to coat. Once cereal is coated, remove chocolate chips from freezer and add to cereal mixture. Also add in the remaining cup of marshmallows. Gently stir until evenly distributed.
Press cereal mixture into prepared baking pan. Cover and refrigerate until set. Turn out onto cutting board and cut into squares. Keep stored in an air tight container in the refrigerator.Makes approximately 20-24 bars depending on how big you cut them.

Let's just say, Kyle and I keep having to go back for seconds...

I might even take it tailgating next weekend!

I hope everyone is having a good week. My weekend was too short, as usual.
I'm headed to bed right now to finish up "How Dolly Parton Saved My Life"
Love, love, love this book!!
It's a must read.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dolly Parton

So lately I've been reading several self help books, books by people who've "made it to the top" and religious books about how to be a more Godly woman.

This week I've decided to take a different direction.

I started "How Dolly Parton Saved my Life".

I'll keep you posted.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Horrible. Day.

I wish I could say I see this (Exhibit A: Youtube Video) all the my job...Some days I feel it's just the oposite. If a person yells at me...and you see them in line yelling at me...YOU yelling at me when you get to my window (About the SAME thing the other person was yelling at me about) just makes sense? Right?

I just want to say thank you to the man that stood in my window today and talked to me because the lady in front of me "was just being plain mean" to me.
You made my day.
This blog post is for you. I wish there were more people like you.
The five minutes you spent with me helped me make it through the rest of my day.

Next time you're at the bank...and the system is down.
Please remember is it not MY fault. I have nothing to do with it.
I am not personally trying to keep you from your money.

Thank you and I hope you have a *GREAT* day.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Fab find in the trash!!

So I have something exciting to share with you...You will never believe what I found...IN THE TRASH!

Yes, laying next to a dumpster in our neighborhood.
True to the meaning- "Another man's trash is...MY treasure!"

Funny story:
*Walking down the street, warming up for my run*
I walk by the dumpster and notice the window's leaning on the dumpster.
So I look around and it's clear this it's in the trash.
So...I pick it up.
I'm walking by and my neighbors are outside...a mom, little girl (about 4) and a baby.
I walk by and say hi to the mom and then the little girl says...
"Mommy, why does she have our window?"
*Freeze- crap*
I'm like, crap...I didn't want anyone to witness me taking their trash.
Our neighbor just laugs and says that maybe I'll find a better use for it.

I don't know that I'll find a better use for it...but I really didn't want to leave it sitting there near the dumpster.

So I continue walking it back to the house only to have Kyle, stopped from mowing the grass, looking at me with a look that says "Where the heck did you find that?!"
My husband loves me.

So...I'm asking you blogger-world...If you have a window pane in wonderful condition, what would you do with it?


Hope everyone has a good week!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Best Wishes Mr. and Mrs. Lewis!

This weekend my dear sweet friend, Brittany Andrews now Brittany Lewis, got married to the man of her dreams! I was so thrilled for her and I wish them the best! Hope you enjoy some pictures from the weekend! 

Bridesmaid's luncheon at Julianna Carter's house on Friday! Good food and a wonderful time.

Rehearsal at the church, Brittany with her bridesmaids. Y'all looked beautiful, ladies!

Rehearsal dinner! I'll refrain from posting the shrimp-catching pictures! :)

The beautiful bride!

I'm glad I got to see you Jennifer! It's been forever! Asher was too cute!

Loved the Alabama cake...Glad I could eat it too!
*Jenn- that was dedication right there...*

My handsome date!

Mom and her girls...thanks for making me laugh during this picture, mom!

Great weekend! So glad to good friends with such a wonderful couple!
I needed a picture post, I'm in a wedding cake coma.
Have a good weekend, y'all!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

If you need a pick me up...

In case you ever forget how lucky you are...take a look.

No work for me on Friday so tomorrow's my friday! Hope everyone has a good Wednesday!


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Roll Tide, baby!

 It's finally here! Alabama football! I couldn't begin to tell you how it felt to be back in Bryant Denny.

First Stadium Dog of the season! Tasted so good.

Honoring the first responders at the game...This was very emotional. I will say I got really upset...I also thanked God for how lucky Kyle and I are...It's was a perspective moment. Friday I was complaining about life in general and there are people going through much worse in life. I couldn't help but think about Carson Tinker and his girlfriend...would she have made that opening game if she had still been here?

Spelling out Tuscaloosa was the best part of half-time.

Can't wait to be back in there in a couple weeks.

I've only got a three day week because Brittany Andrews is getting married this weekend! I can't wait!
Here's to making it a good week...and a good shopping day tomorrow! Love bank holidays!


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Tailgating desserts...

So I'm super excited tomorrow is Friday and only 8 hours separates me from my weekend. I'm ecstatic. You have no idea. So as far as I know, we're tailgating this weekend and I'm super pumped! We were asked to bring a dessert and I've been trying to decide on something to bring...We are leaving super early in the morning Saturday so easy is pretty much up my ally after this week. are my options.

Smores Bars:

No bake peanut butter cookies:
(Recipe HERE)

Puppy Chow:
(Recipe HERE!)

I think I'm leaning toward the puppy chow...I haven't had it in forever and I know it travels well. I might save these others for the next tailgate!

Do you have some favorite sweet snacks that would be great for tailgating?!
Please share!


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

When in doubt, wear crimson...

So I'm starting to get a little anxious about Saturday...this work week is just dragging by at a snails pace...So I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to wear Saturday...I thought I'd share some ideas with case you were having the same "there's nothing in my closet" dilemma like I am...Enjoy.

Alabama Gameday
(In Alabama colors, of course...)

And to all those readers who are not Bama fans, here's a link for you...

It's a shout out for all those "other schools".

Just waiting for Saturday...


Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Just wanted to share a recipe with you that Kyle and I tired last night. I was a little unsure about it at first but it actually tasted really good! I could see where this would be a crowd pleaser- kids included!

Chili Dog Nachos

1 talbespoon vegetable oil, 1 turn of the pan

1 pound ground sirloin

salt and freshly ground black pepper

2 hot dogs, cliced into 1/2-inch pieces

1 small onion, chopped

2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce

2 tablespoons chili powder

2 teaspoons ground cumin

1 8-ounce can tomato sauce

1 sack yellow corn tortilla chips

1 10-ounce bag shredded yellow cheddar

sour cream salsa, and scallions for topping

yield: 4 servings

1. Heat a medium skillet over high heat. Add the oil, then the beef and begin to brown and crumble with a wooden spoon, about 2 minutes. Season with salt and black pepper to taste, then add the sliced hot dogs and continue browning, another 3 minutes. Add onion, Worcestershire, chili powder, and cumin. Cook another 3 to 5 minutes. Add tomato sauce and simmer 5 minutes more.

2. Preheat the broiler. Arrange the corn chips on a platter or in a casserole dish. Top the chips with the cooked chili dog topping. Cover the chili dog sauce with cheese. Melt the cheese under the hot broiler 2 minutes, until melted and bubbly. Top with sour cream, salsa and chopped scallions.

Thanks Rachel Ray! It was a good one!

Friday, August 26, 2011


So I was downloading some songs tonight and I just happened to think about this band that I use to listen  to when I was younger.
If you haven't ever heard of them, check them out...I like the old stuff the best.

Have a great weekend!


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Craving some Thai food...

So I wanted to share with you a recipe I'm just dying to try...yes, I haven't tried it but we can live and learn together. Crab Ragoons. I first tried them at a place in Tuscaloosa and they are my favorite thing in the entire world- horrible for you but good in moderation. Right!?

So I've looked at several different recipes and this is one of my favorites. It's from "".
Get the recipe *here*
Crab Rangoon

Doesn't this look delish?
With some of Phuket's coconut soup this would make a fabulous dinner.

Maybe on a Sunday afternoon I'll convience Kyle to let me make these...he's not a fan of crab. Could you sub chicken in? Maybe?

We made it to Wednesday...almost to the weekend and *almost* to football season.
Can. Not. Wait!


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Drum Roll Please...

Bloggers! Hello!? I want to apologize for being a spastic blogger but I promise, it's coming to an end. Starting with this post...let's hope. I've had a pretty busy summer (not complaining!) and it's slowly wrapping up. From here on out, it's just working and football games...thank goodness. I've missed some Alabama football like crazy.
So this past weekend Kyle and I threw an engagement party for some sweet friends of ours, Lauren and Justin! The party was a success! We couldn't be happier for them and we're so excited for their New Year's Eve wedding!

So of course I was too busy being the hostess with the mostess and I forgot to take some decent pictures of the table of food...but I am going to share with you menu and a couple of the recipes!
This was our dessert table...I love Pier1 and their "single serving desserts". We did peanut butter pie, red velvet cake with homemade cream cheese icing, and banana pudding. Yum-o!

BBQ Bacon Sliders with Garlicky Blue Cheese Spread
(Thanks to "")
Fix burgers however is your favorite way to fix them...the secret is in the spread.
Garlicky Blue Cheese Spread
1/2 c. mayo
1/4 tsp. kosher salt
1/4 tsp. freshly ground black pepper
1 tbs. red wine vinegar
1 clove garlic, finely minced
1/4 c. crumbled blue cheese
Combine the ingredients, mixing well. Store in refrigerator until ready to use.
The best thing that ever happened to burgers.

Corn Dip
2 cans Mexi-corn
1 cup sour cream
1 cup mayo
1 jar pimentos (small jar)
1 can green chilies (small can)
1 bag cheddar cheese

Mix together and chill, serve cold.
I like it with Fritos but Kyle likes Scoops each their own.

Mediterranean Pasta Salad
*Recipe found Here!*
I made my own balsamic vinaigrette (cause I have a pretty pimping recipe for it) but mostly after that it's just added "toppings".
It's a must try and its better the next day!

My favorite part of the party was the glasses I made for all the girls to drink out of...Things were so crazy that we forgot to take a picture with them but here's what they look like:
okay- for some crazy reason it won't load right side up...but *tilt head*, isn't super cute?! Redneck Wine Glasses!
Super easy to make. You have no idea. The place where I found them in Tuscaloosa wanted 20$ EACH for these...I made them for only 1.50$ each. Talk about a mark up!

We had a great time...My favorite part was Justin and Lauren retelling the engagement story...really wish someone would have recorded that!

Just going to finish up this post with some pictures.

The usual, ladies picture!

The fab four.

Hope everyone has a great week!
