Happy Tuesday everyone!
I hope everyone had a fabulous 4th of July weekend. Kyle and I ran from one home to another, to another...tooo another. Friday I had a wonderful dinner with some lovely ladies that I've missed so much. Danielle was in town for the 4th and Holly and I didn't want to miss a dinner date with her. Oh how I've missed her. Yet we didn't take any pictures at all.
Saturday we headed up to New Hope and spent the afternoon with Thomas and Katie and then went to Shirley's house for her annual fireworks/cookout. Then if that wasn't enough, we headed back to Thomas's parents house and helped finish roasting the pig...yes, roast a pig. I was proud, I stayed up longer than most of the guys. Kyle and I headed home around 2am. Yes, 2am. Do you know the last time I saw 2 am...long time ago.
Sunday we went back to Thomas's and ate the pig...Amazingness. It was so good...you have no idea.
And again, I have no documention of all this. Go figure- that's what happens when you get a new camera...you never use it.
However, we also stopped at Sherman Williams...just popping in, you know, seeing what's going on...And for the record- This was Kyle's idea.
We walked out with 100$ worth of paint and supplies.
Again- This was Kyle's idea.
So Sunday night we painted. Do you know how many times in my life I've painted?! Like, mayyybeee five times...and for like, five minutes at a time. I have an attention span of a goldfish.
This is a before of the bathroom- please excuse the mess. I wasn't about to clean it just to mess it up.
So I would roll about four streaks...and Kyle would have a whole wall done. In actuality, we had the bathroom "painted" pretty quick. What took forever was taping and painting the trim.
So that pretty much sums up Sunday- We. were. Exhausted.
Monday we spent the day at Margaret's enjoying food and family and the pool! I was excited to get a little sun, working at the bank leaves little room for a tan.
Monday night we were so tried, we just decided to drive up to Epworth and watched the Bridgestreet show from there. Much easier than fighting the crowd...and I thought it was pretty cool- you could see fireworks all over the city (Yes, city- what "no fireworks in the city limit" rule!?)
We still have one more coat left on the bathroom, we just decided to leave it alone...we were way to tired to get it the attention it deserved.
The aftermath...
And to make matters worse...we had yet to put the cleaned comforter on the bed...so excuse that mess too.
So today...Tuesday. Susan and Phillip (Mother in law and Father in law) came and helped us finish the bathroom. I'm so thankful they did. Kyle and I could not have done it without them.
So...excited to see the finished product?!
Now I still have a few things to do...(1)I want to put molding around the mirrors and "frame" them. (2) I want a flower arrangement to go on the back on the tub.
(3)I want an iron piece of some kind to put on the wall
(4) Frame the picture Danielle brought me back from Paris
(5) Frame this really cute saying I cut out of a magazine- It's cute. Trust me.
That should wrap up the bathroom. Pretty cool. I was excited the color turned out so well...cause there wasn't any 'taking it back'...I keep looking in the bathroom thinking that's it's not suppose to look like that! Ha!
Just a little FYI the color is Olive Grove.
Hope everyone has a great week! I've got some great blog topics lined up this week that I'm very excited to share with y'all!