Spring is in the air, la da da da, spring is in the air...
Who's excited for spring!? ME!
So with spring comes a new sense of attitude for me. I love being outside. I was the kid who stayed outside all day every day during the summer and my mother was always begging me to come inside.
Who wouldn't if you has the coolest place in the world to play?
My dad built me to coolest play house when I was five years old thus started my obsession with the outdoors.
I'll admit, i'm a much nicer person when it's beautiful outside. So the seventy degree weather this week has been a much needed attitude adjustment for me. Snow turns me into a bear, litterally, i hibernated and eat a lot. So i'm very thankful for this beautful sunny weather. I only get to enjoy an hour at lunch and whatever's left after i get off work but it's enough to make me smile again.
Also, if you know me well, you know i have very strict regimines when it comes to my hair. I don't wash it often, try to keep heat off it as much as possible, and i rarely get hair cuts. I do however try to get a spring and fall trim with my hair. I've recenlty been introduced to having a professional highlight and color my hair...boy, i've been missing out (and saving money too- that's one pricey habbit to be picking up).
So last tuesday on my off day, I got my spring cut and color. I was nervous about the cut, new guy- i knew he could rock some highlights but how good was he with scissors?
Excellent. He did excatly what i wanted: whatever he wanted to do.
I knew if he asked me what I wanted to do, i would reply "Cut it all off". therefore, i stayed quiet and let him do his own thing.
He did a really good job.
So befores and afters:

No Layers to layers!
It feels great, so light. Now i just can't wait to see what it looks like curly!
So lastly, spring brings this eagerness for me to do something. Plant flowers, run, be outside, clean out closests, something...So after i started blogging and finding all theses wonderful blogs about home decor and food, recipes, crafts, it's made me itch to learn to do something new. So while in Hartselle last saturday i stopped at this AMAZING shop,
Bella Reese that had this lime greem houndstooth print chair.
Well, needless to say it was NO WHERE NEAR my budget. Leaving the shop super bummed, I decided to stop at Willown Tree Fabrics in Decatur on my way back into town. And that's when i saw it...the EXACT lime green houndstooth fabric. So i got to talking to the lady working there...turns out that her sister owns the antique shop and this is where she got the fabric for the chair.
So here's my chair that I plan to redo.
So I've decided to recover my own chair.
This is as good as it gets picture wise.
So in like, sixty years when i finally finish this project, i'll post pictures!
Hope all is well with everyone!